Literary Update: August 28, 2015

On May 25th, after not reading for much of my freshman year, I was fed up and decided to challenge myself to read 101 books in 1001 days. Since then, I've made some pretty good progress, but there's still a ways to go! Check out the master list here!

Just Finished: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling takes the reader on a trip through her psyche. It's great because it feels very personal and conversational, much like the way I write. You learn so much about her personal life and how she views everything. I loved the chapters discussing her body and how designers hate her size. Speaking as a fellow size 8, it's an awkward size to shop for. We're not skinny and gorgeous, we're not heavy and gorgeous, we're just hanging out in the middle, uncommitted to an extreme, living life with an elliptical and a pint of Ben &Jerry's. 
Through Kaling's writing, I feel like I know enough to be her best friend. Honestly, she seems like she would be an awesome friend. Let me know girl, I'm always up for an online shopping marathon!

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, but I think that any almost-twenty-something or just-after-twenty-something woman would love it.

Check out my review on Goodreads!

Currently Reading: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Yes, I am still reading this absolutely massive novel! It's a bit difficult to get through, based on the sheer size of it. It gets a little easier every time I crack it open. And as anyone who's every read any Russian literature know, the names are just insane sometimes. Lots of characters with 3 very complicated names, and a seemingly endless amount of nicknames. It's a process to read, but I'm fighting through!

In  the mean time, I'll keep reading, and you can add me on Goodreads to see what I'm reading and get updates when I finish a book!

Writing to you from M, Personally

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